There are 56,700 search results on Bing for the misspelling 'Humourous'. 'Humourous' ranks in the top 0 of most common errors caught by TripleChecker, with at least 0 websites containing this mistake.¹
The word 'humorous' is primarily an adjective. It describes something that is funny, amusing, or capable of provoking laughter. In some contexts, it can also function as a noun when referring to a comedic quality or characteristic.
The word 'humorous' originates from the Latin word 'umor', meaning 'moisture' or 'fluid', which was derived from the Greek word 'chymos', meaning 'juice'. In medieval and Renaissance medicine, it referred to the four bodily humors that were believed to influence a person's health and temperament. The term evolved in the 16th century to describe a person's disposition, and by the 18th century, it came to refer specifically to the quality of being funny or entertaining.
The word 'humorous' is pronounced as /ˈhjuː.mər.əs/. It sounds like "HYOO-muh-rus."
The word 'humorous' can be used in a sentence like, "Her humorous remarks lightened the mood during the serious meeting." When using 'humorous,' it's important to ensure correct spelling, as it is often confused with 'humourous,' which is incorrect in standard English; also, it should be used to describe something that is funny or comical, rather than as a general descriptor of personality.