List of most common spelling mistakes, errors, and typos

Religious vs. Religous

Repetition vs. Repitition

Restaurant vs. Restarant

Rhythm vs. Rythm

Seize vs. Sieze

Separate vs. Seperate

Similar vs. Similer

Speech vs. Speach

Supersede vs. Supercede

Tendency vs. Tendancy

Threshold vs. Threshhold

Tomorrow vs. Tommorow

Transferable vs. Transferrable

Tucson vs. Tuscon

Tyranny vs. Tyrany

Unforeseen vs. Unforseen

Until vs. Untill

Usable vs. Useable

Vacuum vs. Vaccuum

Vicious vs. Visious

Remember vs. Rember

Resistance vs. Resistence

Rhyme vs. Rime

Secretary vs. Secratary

Sense vs. Sence

Sergeant vs. Sargent

Skilful vs. Skilfull

Successful vs. Succesful

Surprise vs. Suprise

Therefore vs. Therefor

Tomatoes vs. Tomatos

Tongue vs. Tounge

Truly vs. Truely

Twelfth vs. Twelth

Underrate vs. Underate

Unfortunately vs. Unfortunatly

Upholstery vs. Upholstry

Usable vs. Usible

Vehicle vs. Vehical

Vicious vs. Viscious

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