When over 70% of websites have typos or grammatical mistakes, I think the answer is a resounding yes.
-Relying on the browser’s built-in spell-checking functionality
-Copying and pasting each page, one at a time, into Grammarly or ChatGPT
-Printing out each page so that it can be reviewed by hand (poor trees!)
-All of the above!
All of these methods tend to be very manual, time-consuming, or insufficient in catching duplicate errors (like “the the”) and homonyms (“accept” vs. “except”).
TripleChecker.com is an automated proofreading and spell-checking solution for websites. What Grammarly does for proofreading papers, TripleChecker is doing for websites by:
-Visiting every web page
-Scanning content for errors
-Catching typos, spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and broken links (both internal and external)
-Generating a comprehensive error report detailing every mistake, the page it’s found on, and suggested corrections
-It’s fully automated – as an agency or site owner, you simply add the URL, and TripleChecker does the rest. No more manual copy/pasting. No more issues that stem from human error.
-It’s comprehensive – not only does it catch errors in writing (typos, spelling, grammar) but also broken links.
-It’s recurring – The challenge with quality control is that new errors can appear over time as content is updated or external links break. Regularly revisiting the content is essential to maintaining an error-free website.
-It’s easily integrated – no plugins or downloads are needed, and your internal workflows remain unchanged.