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Top 10 common spelling mistakes and typos on websites

• Written by Eric Higgins

Spelling mistakes and typographical errors are more common in website content than you might think. We analyzed website errors for the period of August 24th to August 30th, 2024, and identified the top 10 most frequent mistakes. These errors not only disrupt readability but also compromise your digital presence, potentially resulting in lost sales and customers.

Here’s a look at the 10 most common website mistakes and typos:

Mistake Correction Percentage of total errors
the the the 2.88%
to to to 1.32%
and and and 1.03%
in in in 0.87%
Salries Salaries 0.78%
grafic graphic 0.68%
mangement management 0.66%
Cancelation Cancellation 0.63%
indepth in-depth 0.53%
upto up to 0.48%

Each of these errors was found on at least several hundred websites, indicating how pervasive and overlooked these issues can be.

Our thoughts on the top errors:

No major surprises were found with duplicate errors, which are common and often overlooked during quick reviews. Most surprising to us was “Salries” being misspelled, since “salaries” is a topic most business and website owners are well-acquainted with—perhaps more than they would like. Misspellings like “Mangement” and “Cancelation”, each missing a single letter, show how easily such errors can slip through.

Regarding the use of “indepth” and “upto,” there’s a tendency to merge separate words into compound forms, especially in informal writing. English has many compound words, and sometimes new ones are mistakenly created. These errors underline the necessity of careful editing and the potential pitfalls of relying solely on spellcheckers, which may not catch compound word errors.

Why do these errors happen?

One of the most common types of errors is the duplication of words, such as “the the” or “to to.” These occur because when we read, our brains often skip over duplicate words, making them hard to catch on self-review. It’s a cognitive blind spot that even meticulous content creators can miss.

How does TripleChecker help?

TripleChecker.com was designed to catch common errors effortlessly. As an automated solution, it scans your website content for spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and other issues without the need for plugins or downloads. Errors in website content can undermine your brand’s credibility and could lead to a decrease in user engagement and conversions. By using TripleChecker, catching errors is as easy as making them.

Curious to see what errors might be lurking on your site? Try a free scan today. It’s quick, easy, and effective allowing you to correct those pesky errors before they turn away another visitor.

Try it out for free