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10% of websites have typos on their homepage

• Written by Eric Higgins

It’s one thing to have a typo on some random blog page that most users may never visit, it’s quite another to have one on the homepage.

From a customer’s perspective, it’s natural to wonder: If a company is careless with their website, what else might they be careless with? We touched on this in our article about how to NOT put your best foot forward.

TripleChecker analyzed 75000 websites. We found that 10% have spelling mistakes (e.g. ‘recieve’) or duplicate word errors (e.g. ‘the the’) on their homepage. This should not be a total surprise given that even most Fortune 500 companies have typos.

Here are the top 10 most common:

  • the the
  • our our
  • to to
  • in regards to
  • and and
  • recieve
  • softwares
  • upto
  • in in
  • alot

You can either ctrl+f looking for these or try a free scan on TripleChecker. Why not do everything you can to maintain a professional image?

Try it out for free